Thursday 9 June 2016

4 Ideas to make someone feel special......

A hug
A hug carries a universal healing power. There are not a lot of things in this world that can be as soothing and comforting as a hug can. Hug anyone who feels bad. No matter the reason for the person's emotions, a hug will instantly make them feel better.

Remind them they are not alone
Remind someone you love to be kind to themselves and not to judge or compare themselves to other people who they perceive are happier or better than them. Finding the beauty in humanity is so much more rewarding than the dark games of comparison and competition.

Offer drink or food
Doing something nice, like offering a hot cocoa or something to eat to a friend feeling bad, could be really helpful. Hot drinks soothe and relax people while certain foods, such as chocolate, trigger the release of hormones called endorphins, also known as the happy hormones.

Remind them of good things
We all have good things in our lives. Sometimes, during the moments when we are not feeling great, we need to be reminded of those. Remind your sad friend about all the good stuff in their life. Remind them about other people that care, remind them of you - being there for them. Remind them of something good that happened to the two of you - you may even see a smile on their face.

Buy a gift
It doesn't have to be expensive, just something to show that you are thinking about them. Even something simple, like a book or a souvenir, says a lot.

by. ..... arvind choudhary

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